Not just a safe, but germ-free Diwali 

Diwali,  also known as the festival of lights is round the corner and everyone is in high spirits to celebrate it. The preparations for Diwali start from cleaning the house and decorating it beautifully. Well, Diwali is a 5 day festival and the preparations begin much earlier. We all know how often we hit the market this time, invite guests at home and venture out for the countless parties. Often we get so immersed in the festivity zone that we tend to ignore protection for our kids. One of the major health problems we dealt with during festivals is related to our stomach, so this time I have some handy tips based on my experience to handle ‘your tummy with care’.

· Have a check on the street foods: Yes they look tempting, readily available, tasty and full on festive mode but who knows how the food items are prepared and if hygienically restored or not! So let the children eat some in proportions. Best is if you carry some home-made snacks or juice for the little tummies so that you don’t have further excuse to let them barge on street food.

· Only buy sweets from reliable source or prepare some at home: This time I tried my hands on some laddoos and barfi at home and trust me myself not being a good cook, things worked out fine. That means by next year I can (in perfection) prepare some authentic dishes at home for the kids. And I think it’s extremely important when the proportions of adulterations are so high in the market. And if you are in hurry only go for trusted brands.

· Have parties to attend? Good but pack something from home for the kids. You are a Mom; you know what’s best for your child and his health. There are instances when you won’t find anything healthy for the kids in the party. This has happened with me when I could find only fried or tandoor or grilled food that my girl doesn’t like. Another best option, feed your child before you start from home so that her tummy is full.

· Must haves in your handbag: When you carry your purse, have adequate napkins, handkerchief, hand sanitizer and a water bottle for the children. I guess that doesn’t require further explanation.

· If going to the market, try and avoid peak rush hours. Remember bigger the crowd, higher are the chances of infections and germs spread!

· Amidst high spirits of Diwali fiesta, remember that the lazy bones need some rest too: Often inadequate sleep can damper their festival mood so take out some time for the rest. A good sleep can work wonders!

· Prefer buying from a nearby market, you can save on time, energy and exhaustion level. I too wanted to buy from Lajpat Nagar but not on stake of jam-packed roads, over-capacity metro and mad-rush crowd for my little girl.

· Follow some rules: Make some rules, especially when during Diwali time, the daily schedules go for a toss! Some rules, specifically those related to washing hands regularly, bathing well, keeping yourself clean & tidy should remain the same and should be followed to the T. We cannot risk our child’s health at the cost of celebrations.

· Have a Safe & germ-free Diwali: While we talk about safety & precautions Diwali celebrations – may it be related to clothing, eating or crackers, we tend to ignore the health aspect. So keep yourself & your family free of germs & infections by sticking to good hygiene habits.

And yes one thing for you dear Mommies, don’t over-exhaust yourself. You are the powerhouse of the family, save yourself for Diwali fun and not just for the clean walls, curtains and kitchen! Being a last-minute thinker myself, I have changed a lot since being a Mom. I have set my priorities; I don’t look for lavish but the best in simplicity.

Diwali is one such festival of the year that I wait for the entire year. Its onset brings a new hope and motivation in my life. And we just don’t buy illuminations for our home but for our hearts as well.

So indulge yourself but Despacito!

Have a happy and healthy Diwali my friends, lots of love…

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Today I have started to live a new life. Today I aim to look beyond what's apparent and wish to explore a new world. Today I feel like to dive into an ocean of thoughts. Today I have realized that there was there was never any yesterday for me, its been always today!! My world encircles around my baby, biggy-baby (i.e my hubby) and my thoughts. Whether I'm free or occupied with stuff, I always think, dream about my thoughts, feelings and enjoy when my words gain visibility. I'm not any writer but recently I have fallen in love with writing and since then, this love is gaining momentum with every moment!! You can also read my blogs at :

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